Alpaca (stocks/crypto)

!!! Alpaca does not return any data on crypto fees.

Fees are calculated based on Tier 1 of this page. If your trading volume is above tier 1, you will end up with left over dust that the bot will not recognize and will not sell.


Stock trading is supported through the brokerage.

  • Taking profit as crypto (or stock shares in this case) is not supported.

  • Fractional shares are not supported so your size must be more than the cost of 1 share.

  • Live data is required from Alpaca for accurate size and price calculations which currently costs $9/mo or $99/yr. If you use the bot without data, the initial price calculation could be incorrect resulting in an instant fill.

  • It is recommended to only trade index funds and not individual stocks. Risk is significantly higher on single stocks.

  1. Copy the API Key ID and Secret Key into the phBot.ini file under Alpaca.

  2. Set Enabled to true

If you do not have more than $25,000 in your account, you should block trade entries and exits to prevent becoming a pattern day trader.

Symbol Example



See below.


  1. Copy the API Key ID and Secret Key into the phBot.ini file under Alpaca Crypto.

  2. Set Enabled to true

Symbol Example



Last updated